Evangeline (2013)
Disappointing and pretentious revenge-flick.
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a revenge horror flick and although that's rather a cliché, it could turn out fine if adequately done. Unfortunately that's not the case.

First, the reason for the revenge (rape followed by a relentless murder) came somewhat out-of the blue and seemed highly improbable for students of this apparently renowned and refined college. I mean, they seemed to perform this murder almost as a matter of daily routine, as if they had done it dozens of times before.

Second, victim Evangeline gets her revenge not as a rightly vindictive and resourceful human being, but as some sort of risen-from-the-dead supernatural ghost, making her more or less invincible and with that totally taking the punch out of the premise. Her killing spree (she takes on several people, since after her first ordeal she was assaulted by others, although she already seemed to be dead and a ghost - so much for logics!) is compelling enough and pictured very graphically, but without some coherent story to relate it to, this just isn't enough to make a good movie. Even Katerina Katelieva's beautiful face and cute smile cannot save it, and unfortunately even those are spoilt by some weird, pretentious make-up when she becomes (un)dead.
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