A Dramatic Fantasy for the Desperate and Unhappy
18 April 2020
Calling this a documentary is misleading at best. It was emailed to me as a link by two conspiracy theory fanatics. If you're a person that likes to sit at home and think about conspiracy theories and how they've ruined the world this is your movie! For the rest of us, it's one way to kill an hour and 15 minutes during Quarantine. This is the filmmakers attempt to string together a collection of weak conspiracy theories (largely debunked) to try to create one great conspiracy theory. It's compiled with a weak narrative and supposed Hollywood insiders to give you a sense of legitimacy. Any actual facts have been presented out of context and conclusions or extrapolated to the extreme. The production value is horrible. The manner in which it jumps around from topic to topic made me think the internet connection was faulty and I was skipping scenes. It's reminiscent of foreign sponsored political ads designed to sow seeds of division. Given the timing of its release, I would be curious to know who actually paid to have this made.
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