An excellent film that tells its story extremely well
19 April 2020
An excellent film that tells its story extremely well.

The acting, directing, editing and dialogue are all done well. Scene transitions are crisp and competent, and the filming is superb. All of that provides a tight and concise framework for an earnest and powerful delivery of an individual's story encapsulated inside of some brilliant social and familial commentary.

The humor is spot on and delivered when needed, not in any mean or slapdash way, but in a often deprecating, yet compassionate, style that helps the story move along.

As I noted, the acting is well done, not a weak performance that I can recall, and strong performances from the four leads. Similarly to reiterate my praise for the direction, the film is well filmed, edited and paced, with no distractions to the audience due to sub par technical or production aspects.

This is 90 minutes well worth your time and I imagine it will become a personal favorite for many people because of its charm, sincerity and the personal relationship many people in the audience have with substance and family issues.
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