Review of LolliLove

LolliLove (2004)
An excellent satire that oddly enough makes you think.
21 April 2020
2004, Year of Shrek 2, Spider-Man 2, The Incredibles, Sideways, Harry Potter 3 or whatever, but I never heard of this. LolliLove sounded a little odd at first, not gonna lie. When I saw it was a satire and it starred Jenna Fischer and James Gunn, two of some of my favorite filmmakers, I was sold.

Now, Amazon Prime is doing 7 day trials, and this movie was on there. It's on Vudu and Tubi for free as of 4/20/2020, so anyone with internet has no excuse to not go check it out, Right now, Stop reading this review, Just watch it.

So, I decided to check it out, It was 6:45 AM, I needed to get to sleep so I could get back to writing when I woke up. It was only 64 mins, so I decided to check it out.

From the beginning, There's narration from someone who I'm willing to bet was just a friend of the Gunns (at the time at least, considering now Fischer and Gunn are divorced) and after he helped write Jenna write it, he said "I WANT TO BE THE NARRATOR!" Jenna and James probably looked at him like he was nuts, but they needed a narrator, so there we go. We got whoever Peter Alton is. The narration isn't bad, although I still think it'd possibly be better without it. HOWEVER, Due to this being a satire, I can understand why so I can't be too angry at it considering I probably would've wrote narration for a satirical documentary if I was the writer.

We immediately, after some amazing shots of California, get straight into the Gunns talking about their marriage (they're divorced). They do share chemistry for sure, They work as a couple in the film about as well you'd expect from a real-life couple, What I'm saying is, They work. Gunn and Fischer are both extremely likable, despite how many lines of Gunn's tend to be offensive (I was not offended because honestly who cares) and Fischer's lines tend to sound somewhat selfish. However, Their acting is so excellent that we can't help but like them.

Immediately, Once they begin the charity work, The hilarity begins. Fischer begins calling probably every single company in California (although I'm going to guess the calls were staged). It's hilarious to see this woman scream curse words at random Company peeps and Gunn seeming to fail at almost everything he attempts to do. Gunn becomes obsessed with the drawings. He urinates on paper, He screams at the paper, It's awesome to see Gunn play this ridiculous version of himself.

Eventually, After Fischer continues to be hilarious and Gunn feel like a crazy slasher killer about his drawings, Someone named Larry Fitzgibbon, a company person, gives them a chance. They begin their presentation, and this is where a subplot about their marriage comes in. After the presentation, Larry seems as if he's going to give them the money-- BEFORE he wants to see the lollipops.

This is where that marriage plot begins to kick in, Gunn blames Fischer for the lack of lollipops and then they improvise something. However, Gunn takes all the credit, and as they leave, They speak to a woman who wants to volunteer. Gunn then calls her beautiful (THE woman who wants to Volunteer, by the way), which causes Fischer to give her infamous death stare for anyone familar with her filmography/her role in The Office (US). Then once they're about to get in their car, They break. Fischer goes nuts and screams curse words once more (and it's still funny and awesome to see this actress going nuts to her husband who's playing a self-obsessed/selfish character). Her husband in this film is portrayed as kinda your average self-obsessed character, He even plays GTA instead of helping her with the lollipop artwork!

There's also a lot of cameos by actors and actresses like Judy Greer (who per usual feels like she's bored out of her mind), Jason Segel, and Linda Cardellini, who were dating according to the narrator. There's a funny scene involving Fischer, Gunn, Segel, and Cardellini where the Gunns ask for over 250,000$ for this "LolliLove" charity, in which Segel and Cardellini deliver surprisingly good performances for the cameo roles they have. They pretty much shut the Gunns down as soon as they ask for it.

This kinda begins the characters' downward slope, but I've already explained what went down from there.

Overall, I won't get in to what happens after all the events I mentioned because that is where this film gets better (although it was excellent to begin with) and even somewhat shocking (Lloyd Kaufman has a freaking cameo man!). Overall, Just see it, It's an excellent satire that makes you curious about what would happen next? Due to Fischer and Gunn's divorce, I'd love to see a sequel with Jenna Fischer and Lee Kirk, her now-husband, trying something bigger and better, They have two kids, so maybe that could make a sequel much more interesting! Oh well, It'll probably never happen unless an actual studio asked her to make it, but oh well.

We can at least hope for it to one day happen.

One day.

One day.
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