Backwater (2018)
hmmmm.....not that bad.
22 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, I made a review of this film on Brendan's YouTube channel was not just deleted, he disabled the likes and the comments. There was a comment crediting the film, so that was gone, very irresponsible. You know, Brendan, I gave you a mostly constructive feedback about how the film was made, but you deleted it...that says a LOT about you, it tells me you have ZERO interest in learning from your mistakes and becoming a better filmmaker. I see so many filmmakers take criticism in their stride and it's awesome, they have the potential to go places, what are you thinking?

My original review: "The sister should really be the protagonist, plus she can actually act not that badly, as was the father too, impressive. The main guy though..I'm sorry, but his acting was awful, a noticeable distraction every time he was on the screen. The guy needed to have a stronger goal than "trying to keep everything as is" too.

A status quo goal is fine on a micro level in a film outside of a conflict but not in it, it really weakens the gravitas of the character. The sister was actually pursuing a strong goal, why wasn't she the protagonist? I was invested in her the whole time. Other than that, it wasn't all that too bad."

When the sister first meets her father in the film, that's the best moment in the film, she has magnetism between her and her father, it feels so genuine...why can't this film be about them two?

Unfortunately the lead actor is distractingly bad at acting, it effected my overall experience.

The stakes aren't very clear through the film, so its hard to know what to feel.

To be fair, seeing them (the father and mother) in their prime on their wedding day in the pictures is really sad, I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.

On a side note, the opening song was just wonderful! :)
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