This was unfortunatly a big waste of time, stay clear
22 April 2020
I see myself as an somewhat experienced scandinavian crime watcher with maaaaany many series under my belt. Unfortunatly this series did not meet my expectations. From the first episode i got the feeling that this was going to be a bad one, but the storyline was in itself interesting so i figured i would give it a go anyways.

Well, sad to say, that was many hours a waste! The supriseing end did not make up for it. The dialouges are flawed and not belivable, the so-called detective work from the police is not credible. Many of the actors does not act well, and overall i feel like this series was just «thrown» together in a hurry with no regards to good screenplay or storyline. Sweden has SO many good crime series out there, this was not one of them.
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