The Wretched (2019)
Great Little 'Stumble-Upon' 100% Worth a Watch
1 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously a lower/ smaller budget, but unlike others, it both looks & sounds excellent; there's obviously very competent production in all departments here.

Lovely opening & the story skips right along, no annoying teen heavy story here, even though they are present & in lead roles, noticing what the 'stupid' old people aren't.

With competent & engaging performances all around from what seems like mostly 'newbies', successful & unusual monster effects, creepy moments & no unnecessary jump scares, you'll find very little to complain about. There is a back story, with the lead discovering our particular witch online, however this could have been expanded, to make a more engaging story. A further improvement would have been to spend a few more dollars on the soundtrack, but it's mostly unobtrusive & effective, if a little generic.

The denouement was twist-less but a nice little automotive surprise & the final floral question mark was delicious.

Serious gore/ horror fans may find this too light, but it was certainly enough for this devotee of the supernatural.
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