Contagion (2011)
The low reviews are because there are no 'heroes', and movie stars die
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here in 2020. I skipped this one back in the day because I think I have seen everything Soderbergh can do. He is great! But he kinda repeats himself, and his visual style is better in small doses.

My rating was between a 7 and 8. Gave it the 8 to counterbalance the philistines who are unhappy that there is no central character they can "identify" with. Noticed this over the years, if the main character is a 'bad guy' then movie gets bad reviews. Really?

Movie is well done, shows some pain and some conflict. Could have shown more. The plot/script spent more time on the govt. researchers than I thought was necessary. In line with that, it shows them to be competent and hardworking, and finally heroic. That's nice! What we see in 2020? Is anyone impressed by the govt. handling of this current 'baby virus'?

Thought this movie was scary? Wait until the real one hits. The hoarding, the violence that follows, and the panic will be 10 times what this movie portrays. The movie ultimately shows humans in control. Believe me, virus mutation is beyond our control. Human herd behavior is beyond our control. I guess that makes the Blogger (Jude Law) one of the best characters. He exploits the wave, and the whole time he is creating the wave of panic by undermining the govt. Very realistic, and I hope more people can see how a charlatan operates in this day and age. (Alex Jones, take a bow!)

Anyway, back to review of movie. Well made, good script, great acting, some surprises, and scary. Def a 7.5 movie worth watching.
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