watch Albert Finney do his turn as Danny
3 May 2020
I love the original. Love it. But then you watch Albert Finney do his turn as Danny. You watch him go from jovial to cocky to childish to deadly and it's engrossing fun. I love Robert Montgomery's Danny; it seems that Albert Finney glibs his way through. Either movie stands on its own; both are necessary if one wants to complete their serial killer log. Mr. Karel Reisz does things with the camera and editing that are exquisite. That scene where it seems the camera is sitting on Mona Washbourne's wheelchair facing her is all that. Albert Finney had just made Tom Jones, a better movie was never seen. He had shot into orbit and, much like in Tom Jones he is front and center in this flick where we open with a murder. After he drops the body into the water we see him at his place of work, where he picked out his victim. Next he goes to his girlfriend's place of work, which is...across the street from the pond with "his" body in it. He just stakes out his territory everywhere he goes. Now he's in a household of three women, carrying a, what, in a hat-box.
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