Secuestro (2016)
20 minutes in and as many number of plot holes
5 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Had to stop watching after 20 minutes because the number of absurdities that kept piling up every minute. It seems the director saw some police procedural on TV, and attempted to cash in on the rise in popularity of Spanish crime thrillers.

Let's count: 1. Mother of kidnapped boy leaks information to press without the knowledge of the cops working on the case. 2. Police speak to deaf and mute boy without a professional sign language interpreter. They allow the mother, who's the person closest to the child and the most emotionally incapable of making objective decisions interpret the boy's versions of events to them. 3. The boy helps make a photo composite which somewhat matches to a person in the system (instantly). The subordinate officer informs his superior in front of the mother, who then proceeds to coerce the boy into recognizing the photograph in the system while the cops stand there scratching their cojones. No photo lineup, no nothing. The suspect's personal information is in plain view while this event unfolds.

Let's stop.
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