All Rise: Dancing at Los Angeles (2020)
Season 1, Episode 21
Echoing the first review
5 May 2020
Well done, everybody!

To be honest, while I regularly watch and enjoy this show, I like it because it represents a different reality from the one I know to exist. It is the essence of escapism for me: a world wherein judges are qualified and decent, regardless of political affiliation; a world wherein a DA turns out to be a genuinely empathetic human being; a world wherein justice is not solely the product of magical thinking. It is a 40+ minute mental break. Amazing actors, well designed wardrobes and sets, interesting stories...delightful, but an orange to Damages' apple.

However, you all have really exceeded my expectations!

Not only is this a show to be proud of as a well-crafted cross between soap opera and social commentary, this is a passion project. Clearly, this means a great deal more to you all than solely a great job, and I want to thank you for your dedication to the ideals every patriot and basically decent human cannot resist making manifest. You are clever, brave people, speaking truth to power, and doing so in an entertaining, enlightening fashion.

Thank you.
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