Carry On No. 29
7 May 2020
It's hard to think of the words to use to describe this utter rubbish, Peter Rogers and Gerald Thomas decided to jump on the bandwagon of sex films of the day, they had already started earlier in the 70's but now it was full on, the trouble is that sex films do not win any awards (apart from sex awards) and this was no different (it did not win any sex film awards either, that's how crap it was)), it was not funny, no decent dialogue, a ridiculous set up of scenes with no continuity. Crap is the best word I can think of.

The new actor (if you can call her that) was Suzanne Danielle, she made my Carry on Girls list because hers was the main role, but no actual acting was taking place. 3 other actors made their Carry On debut's, Beryl Reid (good actor elsewhere), Henry McGee and Dino Shafeek (another from 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum'), but did not improve it, they were up against it.

The last of the regulars must have done this out of loyalty to Peter and Gerald, Ken Williams, Ken Connor and Eric Barker had been in the series since the start, and Joan Sims started in the 2nd. Peter Butterworth had also done a good few, Victor Maddern, a celebrated actor elsewhere did a few small roles, he had an extensive career and passed away in 1993 from a brain tumour, he was 65. Jack Douglas had become a semi-regular, but he went on to do 'Carry on Columbus'.

Of the bit-part actors, Larry Dann had a better role here, he had done 4, starting with the 3rd film in 1959 'Carry on Teacher', he started acting in 1949 and retired in 2016, he is still with us, now aged 79. Michael Nightingale did a lot more (17 films + TV series), starting acting in 1948, his first for this team was 'Watch Your Stern' in 1960, his next was 'Carry on Regardless', he retired in 1994 and passed away in 1999 aged 76. And Gertan Klauber, a Czech who settled in England who had an extensive career, he did 7 Carry On films and one spin-off, starting with 'Carry on Spying' also finished in this, he retired in 2003, but passed away in 2008 aged 76, he was married to another Carry On bit-role actor, Gwendolyn Watts until her death in 2000.

Ken Williams did 25 films 2 spin-off films (27 altogether) and commented in the compilation 'That's Carry On' with Barbara Windsor, Ken had started acting in 1952 and did lots of other stuff, he was a very funny man, his last role in a Children's TV series was in 1986, he committed suicide in 1988 aged 62, strangely enough his voice was used for an animated film in 1993, in his role in 'Carry on Screaming' he played an immortal vampire type, maybe this was his way of coming back after death?

Ken Connor was a very underrated top actor, he did 17 Carry-ons (he had a long period off in the middle of the series), 1 spin-off, 3 Christmas specials and the 'Carry on Laughing' TV series, he even got his son in on the act, he also did lots of other stuff, he was part of 'The Goon Show' and later appeared in the celebrated TV series 'Allo Allo' as Monsieur Alphonse, he was acting up to his death in 1993 of cancer aged 75 and like Ken Williams, he appeared in a role after he died, in a Sherlock Holmes TV series which was recorded earlier.

The dependable Eric Barker was also in the first 'Carry on Sergeant' in 1958, he only did 3 before this, plus 2 spin-off films, all early ones, but he came back at the end, Eric was a child actor, he started in 1916!!! Aged 4, he had a long career, this was his last film, he passed away in 1990 aged 78.

Joan Sims was a classy actor, she was in the 2nd 'Carry on Nurse' so one film later than the 2 Ken's but ended up doing more, she was also in 'Carry on Admiral' in 1957 (along with Joan Hickson - another Carry On regular) which was in the year before the first Carry On, but despite the name this film was not made by the same team, but it is the one that Peter Rogers got his inspiration from. Joan started acting in 1951, and did 24 Carry On films, one less than Ken Williams, but did 6 of the spin-offs, making 30 in total (this did not include 'Carry on Admiral'), she also did 2 Xmas Specials and was in the TV Series, in the early days she did a lot of films, but later did lots of TV, her last role was in the appropriately named 'The Last of The Blonde Bombshells' in 2000, she sadly passed away of Liver Failure (she had been a big drinker in later years) in 2001, she will be sorely missed.

Peter Butterworth did 16 Carry On's, starting in 'Carry on Cowboy, so a bit later than the others, he also did a side issue and 3 Christmas specials, he was also in the TV series, so despite the late start still got quite a bit in, he was a very good and underrated actor, he started acting even earlier in 1948, and had an extensive career, he was still acting up until his death of a heart attack in 1979, he was only 59.

A long review for a crap film, it is only worth watching for the final Carry on roles of the distinguished actors above.
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