Visiting Wesley
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In "The First Duty" the Enterprise heads to Earth where Picard will be giving the commencement address at Star Fleet Academy's graduation ceremony. Things get derailed however when Wesley Crusher is involved in an accident and cover-up involving a group of cliquey students.

A bit of a slower episode where nothing really ever gets higher than a low simmer but it's not a bad episode. We finally see a flawed version of the wunderkind in Wes. It feels a bit incongruous with the goody two shoes nature of Wes but it's nice to see him portrayed as an actual person that can make mistakes. He is a naive teenager after all and falls under the spell of an older and wiser classmate.

The scenes with Picard and Wes are the highlights here. Stewart's speech is an all-time classic... The rest of this episode, I can take it or leave it.
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