Detectorists: Episode #3.4 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 4
13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lance and Andy had slept out in the field, except Lance hadn't actually managed to sleep a wink all night. Is Lance losing his marbles when he tells Andy, that the Magpies had been watching and know there is more stuff to be found. Lance however is still planning to hang about there rather than, returning to his pad with ex wife Maggie in situ.

Stupidly Lance hasn't told Toni the truth, and when she turns up at his front door, it was to have it answered by Maggie. They both come as something of a shock to one another, not at all what either could have been expecting.

Andy still hasn't come clean to Becky about his job but he's signed on again, at the employment agency and got a new job. Spraying weedkiller on the grass verges, except that when he reads the chemical ingredients, he decides to use just water. As he is working Andy is spotted by his mother in law as her car, has to stop at the temporary traffic lights.

Lance struggles to make a net to catch a magpie leaving a £2 coin for them to pick up, but I think the lack of sleep caught up on him and he ended up taking a kip.

Andy comes home and Becky and her mum is there who tested him about where he was working, because she thought she had seen him weed killing.

Lance is in lumber with Toni when they meet at work, and has to withstand a barrage of spuds.

Andy tried to blagg to his mum in law about where he was working, but it didn't cut any ice as she wasn't born yesterday.

Kate has returned but when she comes through the door finds Maggie in residence, they have a set to. But when Maggie's phone shows a message from her boyfriend, Kate showed her the door.

Lance had brought a selection of games for his and Andy's stake out.

I have never actually played either Connect 4 or Kerplunk, or even seen them.
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