Review of Higher Power

Higher Power (2018)
Poor man's intellectual escapade
14 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As with other reviewers, the beginning was a slog. It was trying to be dramatic and build up the type of person Joe is, but it was horrible to watch. I guess that burned me out on the rest of the 'emotional' acting going on after because nothing in the movie seemed 'real'. The characters were stereotypes of 'film 101'. The bad guy was telegraphed and pretty much the guy had a cue card saying 'Bad Guy' with his clumsy introduction.

The special effects were amazing and, honestly, the best thing about the movie. Too bad they happened in the last 20 minutes of the film.

As far as the story goes, it wasn't worth it to me and they focused too much on, what I felt, the wrong things. He's a family man who loves his daughters, but doesn't have a good job? His wife must make a ton of money because that was a nice house. And why did he run away? Money? Did he become a druggie because his wife died? Is that what they refer to when he ran away? I'm guessing it took them a year to evaluate 700 people and it was coincidence that he was like he was, because if he was the first person evaluated, he would have failed? Or is it multiple years that they evaluate? Who knows. The motivations didn't really make sense, as it was overly convoluted for what they wanted. If their idea was to create 'God' through anger, a la 'Hulk', then wouldn't you kind of give thought to how you create them? There were too many inconsistencies for me to enjoy it. It also didn't really have a sense of time passing, other than 'Oh's been a day'.
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