Sick of KR
17 May 2020
Dear Blacklist writers: I am so utterly SICK of Katarina Rostova and Liz's back and forth with this mean, manipulative, nasty woman, that I can only hope this is a ploy for future plot twists where Liz finally comes to her senses and KR finally does die. Whatever Red is - and he's certainly not a 'good guy' in the conventional sense - he's very much aware of what he is, as he's said himself any number of times. But he is the classic 'bad guy' with the one redeeming feature that makes him sympathetic to an audience: his unconditional love of Liz, whoever she may be to him. He's proven and shown this to her (and everyone on the team) any number of times, and it is so apparent that this love is genuine. The way he holds her after she's freed from prison after the fall of the Kabal; the way he reacts when she apparently 'dies'. James Spader shows it all. And while Katarina has has nothing but 'black speech' for Red, note that Red has always spoken well of, and been sympathetic to her. So, dear Blacklist writers, I can only hope that Liz's 'choosing' this malicious woman who's only ever shown that she's the only one she truly cares about (even to leaving Agnes to find a corpse in the park to pursue her own ends), is simply a device for the subsequent episodes, and that she's not actually bailing out on Red, just to find out 'the truth'. Because if that's not the case, I really don't care if Liz ends up dead at the end of series 8 - as long as Agnes goes to a loving home and not to KR!
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