The Soul-Mate (2018)
A kind and heartwarming "classical" story
18 May 2020
Recently, it is hard to find a good story with normal characters who are not crazy about some "modern trends" or "political issues". All these films like Jojo Rabbit, The Intern etc which are made not for a good story but just to be "trendy". I watch such films and can see how great these stories could be if the authors would not want to "teach" me their "point of view". Possibly, I am just grumbling because I am too outdated for all this sh...showcase.

For some reason other reviewers called this film boring but I really liked it. When I watched it I remembered "Ghost" (1990) or other great stories about really important things of our life. Some years ago Hollywood could create such stories. Nowadays I see less and less of such films. Thanks Chinese and Koreans that they still consider to make smth "classical".
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