Review of Scar Tissue

Blood Drive: Scar Tissue (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
Can we get back to racing, please?
18 May 2020
Although I haven't finished the entire series yet, I can safely say already that the previous episode - "The Chopsocky Special" - is the absolute low point of "Blood Drive". It was a chaotic waste of time, full of pointless hallucination sequences and pretentious narrative elements. It could only get better again after this, but I worried that it might take another episode of two before the series was up to its regular speed again. "Scar Tissue" definitely still lacks the fast pacing and the outrageous violent parts of the first handful of episodes, but at least the straightforward absurdity comes back to the surface. As explicitly referred to by lead actress Grace, "Scar Tissue" is a sort of homage/reworking of "The Stepford Wives", with her racing buddy and soon-to-be-lover Arthur getting hypnotized and tricked into marriage in a dodgy town called Cronenburgh (delightful little tribute there, isn't it?). Due to toxic fumes and gasses floating around town, Arthur's brain sees his new wife and circle of friends as picturesque perfection, but in reality, they are a bunch of deformed mutants. The savior of "Scar Tissue" is - once again - Julian Slink, undeniably the main trump of "Blood Drive". The side story of Arthur's former partner Christopher developing a love bond with the Artificial Intelligence robot Aki is becoming derivative, but at least I have good hope the next installment will be a blast again.
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