The Timber (2015)
Not a western at all
19 May 2020
Does anyone in this day and age know the difference between what we all call a Western and what should be called a movie about early settler days? This movie was not written, produced or directed as a western. Its simply a movie that depicted how tough life was for our ancestors when they tried to spread out about this great country. There was very little in the way pf law and order in some areas while others that were more densely populated enjoyed what we call law and order. All in all I thought it was a terrific show but I agree it was a little slow and you could start to lose interest, but just then something unexpected would happen and life went on with some major change. If people would read this review first they would more fully understand the meaning of the movie and better enjoy it. I am not claiming to be a movie critic nor an expert at all, just someone who enjoys a good movie and good acting. Thanks to you all.
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