Up in the Film World
20 May 2020
This title might just as well apply to Norman as the film, with him coming from an homeless street orphan, up into a film star.

But the title actually refers to going up a ladder, as a window cleaner, in this film Norman becomes an unlikely hero, eventually. And he gets the girl, formula Norman, but at least its a bit funny and got a good moral story.

The girl he got was Maureen Swanson, an an actor from Glasgow who also made her way "Up in the world", a few years later she gave up acting when she married into the nobility, she had 6 children and a good life, passing away in 2011 aged 78, she survived Norman by a year. Jerry Desmonde was in with Norman again, and look out for Brit film character stars Lionel Jeffries and Cyril Chamberlain and future Carry On star Bernard Bresslaw in an early role.

Obviously with Ladders involved, Norman gets up to a few stunts on them, maybe Jackie Chan got his inspiration from him, unless both got it from Laurel and Hardy or Buster Keaton? Anyway its got a good few funny moments. Worth watching just for them.
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