I Love Lucy: Be a Pal (1951)
Season 1, Episode 2
Darling? Sugar Dear?
21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Only the second episode that aired and it already has memorable scenes especially the last part.

1. Lucy dressed in sparkling black dress to get Ricky's attention, I love when she leans on the kitchen table with her legs up.

2. Lucy joins Ricky and Fred's poker game. Fred does that grumpy sound to her then she does it back, funny stuff. Her passing the cards look as those they're flying.

3. The apartment transformed to Cuba style and Lucy lipsings a Spanish number to make him feel at home. Save the best for last. Her committment to lip singing even when the record scratched it went speed sqicky voice then slow deep voice, Lucy performed both, so funny. And my favorite part is Ethel mumbles the background singing part out of nowhere between her and Ricky, it sounded bizarre. However, it works Ethel made me laugh.
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