Queen to Play (2009)
French and chess, what's not to love?
21 May 2020
Kevin Kline speaking French and playing chess: what's not to love? Since I spent my entire childhood believing Kevin was a French actor (from having seen French Kiss a hundred times) I was glad to rent Queen to Play and to hear him speak the language again.

Sandrine Bonnaire stars as a housecleaner who meets one of her employers, an American doctor, and starts up a platonic relationship with him. Sandrine is a wife and mother, but after a few weeks with Kevin Kline, she discovers something is missing in her life-and that something is chess. Kevin loves the game, and after he teaches her, she finds she loves it just as much. So, once a week, they chat and play chess. This isn't the most exciting movie in the world, but it's fun and shows how little gestures can mean a lot to people when they're stuck in a rut. Plus, you get to hear Kevin Kline speaking French!
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