Review of Nyrkki

Nyrkki (2019– )
Finnish Cold War Film Noir Done Right
23 May 2020
The Finns are a dark and twisted people. A romantic comedy from Finland is dark. It is a barren and cold place.

This is real film noir, as good as it gets.

Perhaps the best spy flick I have ever seen? Real trade craft, not the "Good Guys" always win, car chases and explosions. There are no good guys in the real world. Or in 1956 Helsinki.

Finnish title is Nyrkki which means Fist, as in hand, so a bit of a play on words translated to English. Since it was funded by BBC and SBC Australia, the Finns were having a go. Dark and funny those Finns. >FIST was the Finnish Security Intelligence Service now known as SUPO. Helsinki and Berlin were Ground Zero during the Cold War. This film gives you that feel of uncertainty.

Shadow Lines draws a hypothetical plot based on real world events that took place in 1956. The height of the cold war. Historically accurate, amazing acting, breathtaking direction and cinematography.

Subtle and suspenseful. This is a gem. With all characters, Finns, Russians, and Americans speaking their native tongues and subtitles this is not a casual watch. Rather an immersive experience.

Not to be watched if the kids are running amok, the phone is ringing or you are distracted. You will miss all the subtlety. Rainy day and nothing on the agenda? Get the popcorn, the dogs and the blankets. Always cold in Finland!
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