A non sensationalist search for Bigfoot
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In Search of Bigfoot focuses on a group of scientists, wilderness experts, and bigfoot believers in their search for the elusive cryptid. Unlike Mysterious Monsters or the Legend of Boggy Creek, this movie avoids the "cheap thrills" of depicting Bigfoot as a boogieman of the forest. Instead it takes a much more reverent, conservationist tone while this group of people make their way through the Pacific Northwest. It's heavy focus on the beauty of untouched nature means it feels a lot like Sasquatch, the legend of Bigfoot but without the laughs or cartoonish characters. It ends, like many of these documentaries do, with the explorers being "so close to the truth" but ultimately come back empty handed. Other then one story about a woman who essentially grew up with a Bigfoot as a neighbor, there are no interesting Bigfoot stories to really remember.

Overall it was fun but perhaps only for people who want to see a more well meaning take on Bigfoot or really enjoy nature travelogs. Much of the focus is on the search itself and while this probably played well in it's initial theatrical run, the concept doesn't age well since we all know that they won't find anything of note.
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