Review of Savage Sam

Savage Sam (1963)
Feels rather pointless
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One to file under "Unnecessary Sequels".

It isn't a terrible film, it's just one that overstays its welcome - who's idea was it to extend this 20 minutes longer than the original? The end of the middle act and the entirety of the final act drag tremendously, not helped by the reappearance of Arliss - a character I think I truly hate... how has this made me dislike a kid!?

Arliss, at least, finally finds a use for his frankly worrying overuse of stone-throwing when he doesn't get his own way. I did like, however, that at the very end they intentionally make him annoying, as if to make a point. I must add, I do not have anything against actor Kevin Corcoran - the way the character is written is what I don't appreciate, that's all.

Tommy Kirk, who returns to play Travis, actually improves from six years prior. I felt they made him too up-and-down in the predecessor, but here he is much more likeable and I even felt attached to him. Brian Keith is a new addition, to a strong extent as he excels as Beck.

This would've been an OK production if they didn't make it go on for too long, so much fat could've been cut out. In the end 'Savage Sam' feels rather pointless.
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