"There was an irony in our twilight"
1 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Four people land on Mars, walk about a lot, encounter sea snakes and a volcano and reach a ruined city that they liberate from stasis in time. Which sounds fun but it plods along trying to make sense but doesn't reach that goal. In the end they come upon a manifestation of many Martian minds in the guise of John Carradine who spouts meaningless explanations, albeit in a pleasant dignified manner.

The cast are not that interesting. Jerry Rannow as Charlie the comic relief is particularly grating. One wanted him to fall into the volcano but alas he did not. Rather liked two things The make up of the entombed Martian was effective and also the atmospheric music score by Frank A. Coe or as it was called in the credits 'Electroneffects'. Any sense of wonder or tension that the film had was due to the composer's electronic sound patterns.
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