film made using all those vaudeville bits. fun.
1 June 2020
The biggest names in this one were the supporting actors -- Aline MacMahon was oscar nominated for Dragon Seed, always the down-trodden, poor woman, struggling to survive. Oscar Apfel was the sidekick in about every film in the 1930s and 1940s. The Marantz family lives in the jewish neighborhood down in the village, and times are tough! all the kids need new shoes and new clothes, and the dentist. so many expenses. but Pops (George Sydney) is an inventor with big big plans. all his bills are coming due, and his wife is constantly nagging him to pay the bills. lots of word play, as they all massacre the english language and spout spoonerisms. fast talking. the leads are listed as Shtrudel and Schnaps (Joe Smith, Charles Dale). They have a pretty good schtick going at the dinner table. apparently they were quite the Vaudeville team for YEARS ! according to wikipedia dot com, Neil Simon's Sunshine Boys is based on this duo. we see about half their comedy act in this film! Gotta give this one high marks, not for the script or the acting, but just for the chunk of history contained here. Directed by Mervyn Leroy. worked on some huge films.
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