A Separation (2011)
My thoughts
2 June 2020
I have mixed feelings about this movie. I think that the story was complex in a beautiful way but on the other hand some parts were even too complicated for me.

There were a lot of serious topics (islam, justice system, divorce, lying vs. telling the truth, alzheimer's disease etc.) handled at the same time which left me overwhelmed at the end. With this many themes none of them were handled thoroughly and there were a couple of holes and questions left unanswered in the story. When the movie ended I was surprised because I still had many questions left.

The pacing was quite fast and there's a lot happening. This fact goes in hand with the amount of topics this movie was trying to tackle. Again this left me overwhelmed at times.

I liked how there were these little hints throughout the movie. Some things were never explained directly but rather showed discreetly. When a director succeeds in this it's always a good sign.

Another amazing aspect was the acting. I thought that every actor managed to pass all the emotions the characters were feeling to the viewers.

I loved how the story made me feel. Even at the end I can't say with certainty whose side I was on. Every one had a good reason to defend themselves and I wanted everybody to get out of the situation in the best possible way. I enjoy stories like this: they force the viewer to think about their life and actions the most.

I can't say what my final thoughts about this movie are. I loved how it made me feel: it compelled me to think and it made me feel many emotions at the same time. I also hate how it made me feel: overwhelmed, confused and torn between two rights. I don't even know if the good things I felt can be seen as bad things and vice versa.

These were just my initial thoughts. I need to rewatch this movie at some point.
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