August 14 (2020)
Good, Bangladesh needs it, but 'story telling' could have been better
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While Bangladeshi people gets rare chances to enjoy a quality series/drama these days and 'August 14' is a positive sign towards quality, it lacks the X-Factor. These days people has access to world class shows on their fingertip. Netflix, Amazon, Huli, etc., are making it possible. So, you have to come up with shows worth of 100/100. Less than that and it's a failure. 'August 14' started with a positive note. A 'message' is present in the story. It brings some kind of thrill. But lacks several factors. The story telling is poor. By the end of first episode I knew what's going to happen. Final results were predictable. Due to lack of background stories I failed to connect with the main characters. I mean think about it - you don't know about the parents, their mentality, their love towards children.... How can you connect with them. Suddenly you've shown that they are busy with their work and ignored their children. Thus, it felt like they deserved it to some extent. Initial story telling was a buzz kill. That's why the final suspects were never really suspects to me. The story should have started with the kids on the road, not how they got out from their house. At least then there could be a place for questions like - were there anyone else on the house?, this question could have made it interesting. Or the creators could have shown that someone was walking on the road that night. Then we would have been forced to think about other possibilities....

Nevertheless, happy to see that quality actors got chance to showcase their performance. And hopefully, creators will keep making shows like this and it will come near to perfection someday.
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