So bad. So, so bad.
4 June 2020
In the running for Worst Film of All Time! I guess so. Mainly because unlike, Santa Goes to Mars or Plan 9 From Outerspace, this movie is made by serious film makers with good intentions and big budgets. 80 or so people gave this a 10/10? Insane. Gave it a 3 for good actors, doing their best. What they did was good. Oh, and Brian Eno wrote the score, he is a genius. All the rest is classic Peter Jackson. The screen time he gives to the pointless CGI of heaven directly takes time away from developing the other interesting characters and their relationships. Story is chucked. So many gaping holes. Jackson is so far up his a$$ that he doesn't think anyone cares about logic or making sense. You can get suspension of disbelief, but in a crime/serial killer story?! Jackson goes full 'hollywood', and just says, "Hey, people don't care about that stuff. If doesn't need to make sense. People just want spectacle." In a movie about death and murder?!? Near the beginning was the funniest thing: The killer drives out to the middle of a stubble cornfield, but within sight of houses, a cornfield backed up to his own backyard and others, and a common shortcut for HS kids, and digs out a 10x10x20 underground bunker? Where did all the dirt go? If he dug that by hand, it would take about 3 weeks! Please look at that scene and look at all the houses around. You will be laughing! Oh, and also emptied it of all his creepy trinkets, filled it back in, within days? Cops find it, but it generates no evidence.

Another weird part that makes it seem as though PJ is just making stuff up is when the sister comes running home with her discovered evidence. First, she should have been screaming since she found it. Then she runs into the house to discover her mother has returned and we are met with a reunion scene and we get to the evidence in a minute or two. Wha?!? Not only is that unreal, but incredibly confusing to the viewer.

The comedy relief segment in the middle with Susan Sarandon's grandma character is confusing and completely out of place.

The final Kiss Scene is strange/confusing. Wouldn't Ray be freaking out?

Peter Jackson has moved into the George Lucas category of directors: He made good films when he was young, and he collaborated with writers, producers, and editors. After huge blockbuster success, he does what he wants, how he wants, and nobody tempers his worst instincts. Nobody has the power to tell him, "NO". So, we get self-indulgent garbage from now on. (King Kong had the same problem as this film- completely forgot the story and characters, in order to splash CGI everywhere)

This movie is completely confused from start to finish. I watched because it is a train wreck. Never read the book.
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