BoJack Horseman: Feel-Good Story (2019)
Season 6, Episode 3
This is HORRIBLE! It's not okay!
5 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was bad before when it focused too much on Diane to fill the season and not enough Bojack. This might be tolerable, but Bojack Horseman writers - you have officially crossed my line when you made it legal for billionaires and richer to murder people like you thought that would be funny for a cheap joke, and after you had Whitewhale buying every company! Every Animal Girl Company, Girl Croosh, and many more. Well, guess what? It is never funny. It sounds like you are trying to bring the end of the world and make everybody hopeless and bleak because you think that is what realism is. Trying to legally or morally justify disproportionate punishment over employees asking for too many bathroom breaks is not funny, and is too serious, unrelatable and bleak for Bojack Horseman itself. No incompentent person's life is worth a billion dollars. If the joke was about how a billion dollars would cover bail money for killers, there are probably better ways you could have done this. When Donald Trump became president, he showed us that ridiculous things that are funny because we think they won't happen, stop being funny before the first time after they really do happen once we see the real terrifying ramifications of this exaggerated danger. I don't like this episode just because it exists to make Diane miserable when she can find no feel-good story to tell. Do you want to know the worst part about all of this? From what I have seen of Diane before (she doesn't like grand gestures or fun ballpit parties for instance), I actually agree with Guy when he asked Diane if she was against feeling any happiness of her own just because the rest of the world is on fire. My cousin said he knew about bad careless stuff like this when he was 15, but just learned to cool down and accept it when he shouldn't!

I will just tell all of you what Herb Kazzazz said to Bojack Horseman in The Telescope: "You have to know that it's never, ever going to be okay." Between landlords evicting people who can not get jobs during the coronavirus, America being the only developed nation without subsidized healthcare, and especially brutal police officers killing dark-skinned people without a second thought, there are too many unfunny cruel things about systematic cruelty in society that were too sad to be funny, even in 1998 when Stressed Eric was a show all about one character suffering from all of them because he was surrounded by other bad rude people with no empathy for him. The Good Place, in Chidi Sees the Time Knife, calls out unethical business for making morality too complicated for anybody who does good things to get into The Good Place. I despise this whole episode that amounts to poorly-executed satire of fascism and supremacy that keeps beating Diane down for trying to have a feel-good story. #Endwhitewhalesupremacy. Hmmm, I guess it is a scary metaphor for societal white supremacy, which George Floyd protests got us talking about. I love to hate on the bloodthirsty Whitewhale company killing off somebody for trying to out the unsafe working conditions, then bending the law to their will so murder is legal when you are rich. THAT is fascism and supremacy at its most extreme. Whitewhale is made of the most despicable monopolists ever. I'm glad Jeremiah Whitewhale isn't real, because he makes me sick. Did he bribe Congress, the president and Supreme Court to torture his dead employee? He is not above the law!
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