A great story on How life's path can change in a moment
5 June 2020
Excellent movie about a group of youngsters in a poor neighbourhood in Mexico lose themselves in Cumbia music. They design a counter culture and even with little or no money they express themselves in a street style that would be looked on in awe by peers in cities around the world.

The movie tells the story of friendship and youth and when a tragedy occurs how quickly things can change for the worse. This movie show the similarities in youth culture where they are subjected to ridicule, aggression, ostracised but even with all that their street cool is a massive attraction. If you look at history the eidelweiss pirates who were into jazz and fought the hitler youth in Germany or the working class English kids from north of England who danced to soul music they all have links irrespective of the country or time period.

Using authentic kids in the casting brought a real life element to this movie and it was believable and interesting to follow the twists and turns of one kid trying to get by and keeps getting knocked down, however music was always there as an escapism for him. Highly recommended.
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