Black Heart (2016)
Great Series
6 June 2020
This was a very exciting series with some extremely nasty characters BUT when I got to the last episode I was completely floored when, with just around 17 minutes to spare, the series didn't look like it was anywhere near ending. Then, in the last 7 minutes, with basically a few pen strokes, the whole story was wound up and put to bed. It sure looked like the actors had come to work that day and been told that they could go home early as the series was over. I was convinced I had the solution to the heart transplant issue that was dangling in the air and I'm sure that the writers had been intending to do something more daring with that too but it looks like suddenly funding was cut. Or maybe one of the principal actors broke a bone. There were several other loose ends too so don't expect to have all your questions answered. Nevertheless the story until the last 17 minutes is exceptional and well worth seeing. You can write your own ending!
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