Review of Take Me Home

Take Me Home (III) (2016)
This is a pretty solid haunted house film.
7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tan is a resident of a medical ward who has amnesia and has been trying to find his family. He finds evidence that he was the son of a prominent architect, and he talks his doctor into allowing him to go home. When he arrives, he find a beautiful modern house with a warm and friendly housemaid who says his twin sister will be glad to welcome him home. Tan is surprised, because the evidence he found indicated that he was an only child, but his beautiful sister Tubtim and her husband and two stepchildren do welcome him into the house. Then things start getting weird. I won't spoil too much more, but I'll say that the movie leads you on a merry primrose path thinking Tan is dealing with one kind of problem, when he actually turns out to be dealing with something a whole lot worse. One other thing I'll say, is that I was pleased with the ending. It may seem a bit downbeat but it fits the tone of a story that is suggesting that to accept imperfection is far more fulfilling than to seek perfection at all costs.
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