Dilan 1990 (2018)
Quick critique
8 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have a lot to say about this movie. I want to start by saying i have loved the book soooo much, even though i will say that the kind of guy like dilan is not that they dont exist. They exist, but maybe theyre just hard to find. But because i live in reality i somehow find guys like dilan a bit cliche but in the same time its understandable why people glorify him.

I will start by talking about the appropriateness aspect of the characters.

-Dilan fits perfectly as dilan figuratively, but whats lacking from him is that he is not at all calm in the movie, when he should actually be calm most of the time. To me he talks too fast as if hes anxious and he lacks in expression, gesture, and body language. Its as if the only thing that fits the actor of being dilan is that he HAD potential, but all of them were not portrayed when hes being dilan. But like i said, he had the full potential.

-Milea, the actress suits her perfectly and her acting is good, body language and expression is good, all are good, except for the fact that shes somehow a bit more mature than the milea in book. But overall shes very nice.

-other characters are ok EXCEPT milea's friends, in which they are all equally beautiful that its confusing if someone didnt read the book before watching the movie, cause the main reason milea is liked by dilan and other guys is because shes pretty and charming(not something that i would glorify to be honest, but thats just how the story is), but if you watch the movie you can see that milea's close friends are pretty as her also that its confusing why milea is even "the chosen one" in the movie

Now going on to the movie, they do it almost perfectly in fitting whole scenarios from the book into a movie and thats a part everyone should love. Whats lacking, though, is

-the flow of the conversation. Some conversation that can actually bring audience more emotionally dont get shown, i believe its because they felt it would be cringe to show it in movie, when actually it has lot of potential in making the audience get deeper into the characters. Its honestly big loss. Lesser but deeper is better than more but superficial.

-the slowing down of the movie. Seriously, everything is too fast. Its so fast that it becomes not okay. What i mean when i say fast is not that the movie phase is fast, because that is fine, but its another thing when you just leave expressions and body language to make the movie, and make everyone just constantly yell at each other as the way on telling the plot. Its really not okay cause it makes it feel like everyone is just mad at each other all the time and theyre intimidating. The only actors and actresses i found good in having the movie formed nicely are mostly adults-they speak slow and have natural gestures that makes it as if its just reality. And thats one thing every character in movie should do. The one that has to be the calmest and the most talented at this should be dilan, partially because hes from bandung and bandung people are soft and calm in talking, the other reason is that its one of his trait to be calmer than others, yet hes the most who talk fast and have it as if he memorized everything before he said something. Hes the most unnatural and rushing

-additional background. I dont need to say anything more. When dilan stood in that telephone box to talk to milea, they shouldve had to sometimes show other people, be it his friends riding bikes or something. Cause if he just did that without additional background it would seem like hes just a creep waiting along to just call her all by himself, cause he has nothing else to do but that. When those gangsters raged at their school they shouldve shown Pak Suripto ordering security to close the gate. Cause without that, no one understands why the gate is automatically just sealed and why these raged students didnt just decide to break in

-plot holes. Plot holes are very very less, its plausible. i just found one by far (i watched half way through) and it is when milea called dilan when in fact dilan didnt get phone in his house and he should always go to telephone box. In which it means like ???? How can she call him if he doesnt have telephone number?

SUMMARY: My complain is just basically on how milea's friends shouldnt be that pretty so it becomes clear why she stands out, and how this movie lacks Pictures Telling Story. At this rate it is really just all expressionless dialogues. Thats all.

I salute everyone involved in this movie though. This is just my opinion and critique.
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