Loved it , it's a story told by storytellers .
9 June 2020
I personally loved this movie , it was a Bob Dylan STORY. It was told in typical Dylan fashion , by that I mean you don't really know what to believe when he says something. He has always had a reputation for re inventing himself , he's a master at it . But I think that's the fun of this movie that it reflects his ability to bend the facts. The concert parts are great , I'd not seen much footage of these revue performances and so I found them fascinating. Dylan's recent interviews are good and he's not afraid to laugh at himself. There are some great sequences in this movie , favourites are Joan Baez breaking loose with some great onstage dancing , and also discusses marriage with Dylan , you detect some unrequited love there. I love seeing Dylan just having a blast singing different versions of older songs and really enjoying himself doing it.Love seeing him joking around with the band. To be honest there were parts I didn't particularly like , Patti Smith acting very incoherent at a gig , in other words she was high. Also the poetry readings by Ginsberg didn't excite me . But on the whole I found the film very enjoyable . And I'm saying this after waiting nearly a year to watch it , I don't have Netflix or the internet , so relied on the kindness of a friend to let me see it . Some people on here speak like they've been ripped off of $20 seeing this on the cinema screen , it costs pocket change to view it on Netflix , watch it again and just skips the bits you don't like !
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