Either Way (II) (2019)
Uttering the name of the brand
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Either Way" is an American live action short film from 2019, so relatively new still, and in fact this is a commercial. The only reason it attracted decent attention is the inclusion by Golden Globe nominee, Emmy and BAFTA winner Jodie Comer ("Killing Eve"). The camera is close to her face from beginning to end for these 130 seconds and she keeps repeating one word. Initially, I thought she was calling for her Hispanic make-up artist or something, but at the end it becomes clear that all she says is "Loewe", the name of the brand that this film is trying to promote. So the idea is really not inspired at all and honestly, this could have been for any brand. You have no clue what Loewe stands for or represents the way it is displayed here, let alone what kind of products they are selling although these commercials with movie stars (can you call Comer that?) are usually about fragrances or cars and the latter it is not for this one. What else is there to say? I am sure Comer is a much better actress than what she is allowed to show us here. By the way, Loewe is the German word for "Lion". Very random I know. But maybe it played a role once when they thought what would be the best name for their brand. The writer and director here is Benn Northover, his only credit as a filmmaker, and honestly looking at the quality of the "script" this time, I cannot say I am too curious about future projects from him. He seems/seemed to be a more prolific actor than filmmaker anyway, played a really small part in a Harry Potter film once, even if that was a long time ago. Oh yeah, even if it says "English" here for the language, there is no spoken dialogue except the word "Loewe" (with "oe" and not "ö" and that is also how it is pronounced). Also I must say I have no clue why this is called "Either Way". Overall, I was not inspired to by this product and I also do not see a creative achievement of any kind here. The rating is baffling. This one gets a big thumbs-down from me. Highly not recommended. Not even worth checking out for Comer fans.
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