X-Men: The Animated Series: Enter Magneto (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
14 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very Action packed and fast paced episode. It almost feels a little rushed, the way they pack in Magneto's backstory as well. I almost feel as if that should have been a separate episode.

The moments with Beast are very clever. I like how the guards accuse him of looking at Animal Farm simply for the pictures. It's good character development to have him go through a trial - he will take any prejudice the humans throw at him in his quest for peace, tolerance and understanding. Philosophically attuned with Professor X.

Magneto is such a big character - the tone of the episode is suitably epic and large scale. Are we already on the verge of nuclear war here?! It does a good job of showing that he is a force to be reckoned with. This guy is extremely powerful and also he is personally singularly obsessed With his cause. He's not going to be a pushover to deal with.

We also get nice moments between Wolverine and the mysterious Sabretooth. We can only guess at what Wolverine knows about this volatile mutant. Will be interesting to see how Sabretooth fits into the show. At this stage we know nothing of his allegiances or what triggers his intense rages.

Extremely action packed Episode with lots going on. Almost demands a rewatch to take it all in.
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