Depends On What You Think a Movie Is
15 June 2020
Warning. This is a movie that's better watched without prior research.

Antrum is a gimmick. It is a movie about a movie that plays the movie in its entirety, and that is going to make it a difficult pill for many people to swallow. But the premise is pretty solid. There exists this movie, it is pretty messed up, and everyone who watches it dies. Now, does it work?

The movie is interesting in its commitment to the gimmick. It does feel like a movie from the 70s. There are a few tells that detract from it, but things like the choice of clothes, the jenky 70s audio, and grainy film quality does make it feel older. But more importantly, it makes some of the effects feel natural. Periodically, there are sigils that pop up that looked as though they were etched into the film by hand. Then comes the truly messed up parts. The movie sporadically just quits and cuts to some shocking footage. I didn't care for the torture scenes so much but there is one scene that I found truly disturbing. Without spoiling anything, its when the screen just spontaneously goes black where the movie gets genuinely so creepy it becomes hard to watch. There is no build to it but it is the most upsetting two minutes I've seen in any movie.

Unfortunately, the plot of the movie is a bit slow and tedious. There are long shots of kids digging a hole. In fact, that's the premise of the movie. This isn't necessarily bad, it works with the gimmick, but if you can't bring yourself to buy into that gimmick, its going to hurt. A lot. No manner of horrible taxidermy squirrels or devil shaped brass bulls is going to save that. If you can get into it, the movie is pretty entertaining, like looking up cursed images online. Its just you putting more into it.

I overall liked it. It was a fun experience if only for its cursed film gimmick. Not for everyone but ultimately something that should have been tried for yourself before reading a single review. So if you've gotten to this point, you've done goofed.
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