Weird ending not romantic
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If only it were that easy to become a famous actress. As someone who wants to break into the business how great would it be to trick your way into starring in a play, by getting someone's autograph? I admired Durban's clever trickery. The plot made me think of a Disney type movie.

My fave character was John, mainly because he reminded me of Glenn Fleshler. My only problem was the romantic connection between Durban and Paul Taylor. I didn't like them together. They first meet when he's basically cat calling her, and she's not interested until she finds out he is in charge of John's new play. And at the end he's only interested in her again because the play ends up being a success. The relationship was built around circumstances, yet it played out that it was romantic and happy ending. I thought it was kinda messed up how he wanted his name off the play, because he was sure it would flop, but once it didn't, that made him interested in her again? If it did flop he would have never pursued her? Yikes
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