A Propaganda
16 June 2020
If you come to expect a comprehensive, unbiased look on the Philippine situation under Duterte and why Maria Ressa is passionately abhored by many in the Philippines but adored by the Liberal outsiders, you'll be disappointed. The film essentially depicts Maria Ressa as the victim in the populist (for some reason that word has a negative connotation when Ressa uses it) Duterte's Philippines. It follows Maria Ressa's life whilst in action in the newsroom or away to make a speech upon receiving Liberal-pushed awards and distinctions abroad. It also shows how her sort of relationship with Duterte turned sour from the months leading up to the elections where Rappler supposedly helped Duterte win to years into his presidency where Rappler becomes supposedly the target of verbal attacks of the President.

It shows interviews also of Duterte's prominent supporters who helped him win, almost intentionally depicted as if to lack the venerability the film pushes Maria Ressa and her minions to possess. That's when you find it's a propaganda, practically aimed at convincing the Filipinos and clueless outsiders to side with Maria Ressa.

I would have wanted to see a more in depth look at the life of Maria Ressa that's also not dismissive of the bad. A few explorations on the opposing narrative to give the film credibility would have been nice. I would have wanted interviews from the likes of ThinkingPinoy to balance it all out. I would have wanted splices of her speeches abroad where she was quoted to be supposedly lying included. I would have wanted the merits of her cases discussed as opposed to just her categorically declaring she is under attack by the Duterte gov't. I would have wanted to see how her supposedly twisted narratives make her one of the most hated personalities in the Philippines. I would have wanted to see interviewed the Manila Times columnist Roberto Tiglao who wrote many exposés about Maria Ressa.

But no, it's the Philippines under Duterte in the eyes of Maria Ressa and those who sympathize with her. It is a "Maala-ala Mo Kaya" for Maria Ressa. Hardly objective. Hardly comprehensive. Hardly unbiased. Hardly honest. A big Liberal propaganda.
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