Kinda messed up
16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A man loses his pregnant wife during birth and blames his baby on her death. Years later his daughter is neglected by her father who still holds resentment towards her.

The father was a real creep. It's one thing to not want to get close to anyone ever again, but the way he treated women was gross. He pursues one waitress at a drive in, and manipulates her boss into giving her private information like full name and address. Then he forces her to go to a photo shoot and lays a kiss on her. Long story short, this leads him to developing a relationship with his kid.

There are two ways to look at this. One is that he only got close to his kid in order to get the woman he wanted, OR he subconsciously thought of his daughter because she had similar eyes to the woman he liked. Both are kinda messed up selfish. I can't say it's a bad movie though, it kept my attention.
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