Roswell, New Mexico: Mr. Jones (2020)
Season 2, Episode 13
Poor writing slays over-hyped season finale
17 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a disappointment! Tons of hype from some cast members and entertainment media about the season finale and all we got was a lesson in how not to write a script. First and foremost we were told Max's or Maria's or others lives were potentially in jeopardy at Crashcon, and while we don't really want any of that to happen, each of those potential fates were quickly wrapped up without any burn or momentum. Hey writers, learn how to write a dramatic build-up by next season please!

Next, don't repeat relationship roller coasters and if you have to, don't write multiples like this season finale. Yes, duh, Max and Liz break up again, or add Maria break up with Michael without reasoned development after a a full season of building this relationship.

Oh and there is the most unwelcome new character Diego returning again with an unexplained plot to appropriate Liz's research. If you have to be so lame as to introduce this plot line please have the decency to throw a little development on this to the viewer.

Unexpected reveal at the end has us introduced to a new alien who supposedly hijacked the original spaceship and crashed it. And guess what? He looks exactly like a twin of Max that wardrobe glued on a beard left over from an old pirate movie. Remember the original series was canceled because of deteriorating scripts.
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