Excellent stuff
17 June 2020
So to the one star reviewers, are you being paid to do them?

Let's start with ricpambon - well he has only submitted this one review, that should tell you something. He says that Dawn sprays the liquid on her wrist in the first episode, she doesn't, she may well spray something then but not from the Novichok bottle. The people involved were interviewed for the series and I would have though Charlie could have told them where he found the bottle so to say the BBC don't know is plainly ridiculous.

AnthonyVincentBruno - well is only contribution is a two line slag off of Marc Addy, did he steal your wife? No other constructive criticism, so why bother.

Smoochemail - well again the only review this person has submitted so I find that as suspect as the first one I mentioned. their erroneous comment that you don't recover from Novichok is laughable when four people quite obviously did!

pkeenor - again only this one review, how do you expect us to believe you?

dayeym - probably the only believable review, other reviews are mixed. Maybe it was too long for him but to say it's rubbish with no explanation other than it was too long isn't' right.

So to my opinion, well I used to live near Salisbury, moved abroad before this incident happened but still had family in the area when it did, still do. So i recognised a lot of the locations used, yes they did film in the city.

I thought all the cast were believable, yes even the fat bloke from the Tesco ads. When you saw the real people at the end you realised how well they were cast. As a previous reviewer stated Anne-Marie Duff was excellent and nice not to have a supermodel play the part, as the Yanks would have done. Rafe Spall well he is a chip off the old block isn't he! MyAnna Burning from Ripper Street, and more, proves what a versatile actor she is, born in Sweden, you wouldn't know it from the accent here. Then there is Annabel Scholey from The Split, I could go on, there wasn't a duff performance here,

The fact that the real protagonist are shown at the end proves they were all involved in the creation of this series. To say it was a misrepresentation of the facts is an insult those involved and particularly the family and memory of Dawn Sturgess, shame on you.
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