Blindspot: Fire & Brimstone (2020)
Season 5, Episode 6
Continues To Be Incredibly Weak
19 June 2020
I'm watching the death throes of Blindspot only out of some misplaced sense of loyalty to the fine show it was in its first couple of years. My guess is that if not for the pandemic crippling production of other shows, these final Blindspot episodes would never have aired. Fire & Brimstone continues the slide. It is played mostly for laughs now, with all the characters increasingly cartoonish. I mean, really, are we supposed to believe that the Director of the FBI, Weitz, is such a sniveling idiot, and no one seems to notice, or care, that he is a virtual captive of Madeline Burke? It bursts all bounds of credulity. Sigh... Four more to go.
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