Lost Bullet (2020)
Actually a pretty cool movie!
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Car exhaust pipe" reviewer... is this the first movie you've seen with any sort of car chase? It isn't uncommon at all for them to use 3-5 versions of the same car after wrecking them for retakes...

Movie starts with our main actor in some tuner car that clearly has a Lambo motor swapped in it and then 30 seconds later he crashes the car?! Sure wish we had gotten to see a chase scene with that car! Would have been very cool! Small hatchback with a Lambo motor! Gotta give that car a bigger part!

I enjoy the movie even with the subtitles. The only problem I have with this movie is the ever so common chase scene mistakes that don't add up. He rams the car through a roadblock and is considerably ahead of any chase vehicle and the very next scene the cop car is right on his bumper. I hate those kind of inconsistencies. I also dislike the beginning where he beats up everyone in the police station and then somehow the one woman cop chokes him out! Not an exaggeration. He beat up 15 cops and then the one 100 lb. lone woman cop somehow takes him down and chokes him out? Really?

Anyway, those irritating parts aside this was an enjoyable action movie. The acting was well done and the bad guy was very unlikable. Not to mention how beautiful said female cop "Julia" was! Guess I'd let her take me down and choke me out too... 😏

Give the movie a watch! Great action, good fight scene and some decent suspense...
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