Review of The Furies

The Furies (2019)
Tedious and light on the ground horror with a few creative kills
21 June 2020
"The Furies" is a few notable gore moments linked together by a barely-there plot and acted by actors who make no impression playing characters that are interchangeable.

It has a premise that opens the door to some kind of social commentary about feminism, and a story that leaves it standing outside, too afraid to enter.

It is something to do with women kidnapped by men to be hunted for sport. The social commentary of this isn't underlined enough because, one, the bad guys all wear masks for no discernible reason, and, two, basically all slasher movies are about women being killed by men anyway. The movie stops short of doing anything to underline or explore this attempt at commentary, thus revealing it to be a sham.

So all we end up with is a few gore moments, one in which a person gets their face shaved off with an axe, however unrealistically, and another where a person's head is split down the middle. The lack of quality gore is unwittingly underlined by the filmmakers when they keep showing the corpse of the split-headed person later on, instead of coming up with new kills.

Thus it was made for a YouTube highlight reel - don't waste your time watching the whole movie.
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