Review of Upload

Upload (2020– )
Sci-Fi Comedy Clever Entertaining 2000 3000
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Is it possible that there will be a virtual world where as long as your character is preserved electronically your soul does not die and continues to live and interact socially and physically with the real world? That's a long question and this series sort of creates this type of thing. In a way it's a quirky look at the future where the real world gets virtual add on.

There are funny moments in this especially at times when science is turned on it's ear. There are times where the jokes are subtle and times they are laugh out loud funny. There's lots of sex, even to the point where dead people can enjoy it. There's greed, which along with lust are two great comedy staples.

The romance and sex parts interface with the characters and the lead actress in this becomes one of the sexiest women doing comedy I have ever seen. She is alive, yet falling in love with a dead man killed in an auto accident whose virtual self is managing to get her pulled deeper and deeper in from reality to his world. She does have a fling in the real world, yet the real world fling is not as satisfying as the virtual one physically and emotionally.

The season ends on a greedy cliffhanger which begs any viewer to come back when the next season is ready. Hopefully that is soon as one main lead is already dead, but alive enough that any viewer wants them uploaded for next year. Along with that, I am in love with this woman who loves the dead man. I can't help it as that is what hooked me when I binged watched this series.

Never aging after death is an interesting quirk here, yet there is also technology that can change that. This is comedy at another dimension who main goal is to make you laugh. It use commercialism to a really funny dimension. The pop-ups that annoy the character are more and more like what our internet is becoming. Maybe this is predicting the future, and it might be coming too soon.
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