Li'l Abner (1967 TV Movie)
Times change.
27 June 2020
Li'l Abner was a very popular comic strip for 43 years. It was so popular that it spun off a couple movies as well as this failed attempt at a TV series. When see today, you might wonder what folks saw in all this...and I would have to agree. Times have changed and the zany antics of the folks at Dogpatch simply are passe.

When I found this unsuccessful pilot on YouTube, I noticed two was broken into several parts AND the print was completely yellowed. The plot consists (as usual) of Daisy Mae trying to get Abner to marry her...but the dopey Abner being completely oblivious. Later, to try to make Abner jealous, his mother tries to set up Daisy Mae with a visiting senator (Robert Reed)...but still Abner is oblivious.

The show makes "The Beverly Hillbillies" seem like Shakespeare by comparison, with every ridiculous hillbilly stereotype being used in spades. Not the least bit subtle nor funny...just tedious.
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