Viewers need to learn the meaning of science FICTION
30 June 2020
In reading the negative reviews here, something that pops up over and over is, "What a stupid concept, unrealistic, there are other explanations" etc etc ad nauseum.

What these viewers need to understand is that this film isn't postulating this as a possibility. That's why it's called science FICTION. It is an interesting take on a commonly experienced mental aberration. Yes, there are many conspiracy theorists and people who believe this is actually possible. The inability to tell the difference between reality and fantasy is a widespread psychological problem. This should come as no surprise to anyone.

This is a science fiction movie that states "What if?". It presents a concept, a climax, and a satisfactory resolution... which is all any movie should do. To discuss it further I'd have to go into spoilers, and not going to do that. If one saw this movie and didn't "get it", that's a shame because it has a very believable and understandable ending. Try not to read too much into things and just enjoy it as a fictional "what if?" scenario played through to its logical conclusion. That should help the viewer enjoy this film much more than if they try to tear apart the logic and reality of the premise.

It's science fiction... emphasis on the fiction. In this case.... it's directed well, acted well, the story is consistent and holds together. We don't need to know the who or why or "is this really possible?". All of that is irrelevant to the story being told. All in all it's fairly well done.

Note to parents: contains one F-bomb. Would have been a better film without it, but there's modern film-making for you. Never write something intelligent when a quick obscenity will do.
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